Wessex Grazing 07770 794615 | Wessex Wild 07841 291352

May 2022 Round-up!

Dear Reader,

May has seen the arrival of our new 13 month old bull join the Wessex herd, along with some more lovely wildlife spots and wildflowers in bloom. See our highlights from the month below to find out what we’ve been up to.

Warm wishes,

Wessex Grazing and Wessex Wild

4 May 2022

Star of Bethlehem apparently, a new one on me.

Star of Bethlehem flower

9 May 2022

Grass snake city round our gaff!

12 May 2022

Getting the cows ready to go out on the new Purbeck National Nature Reserve. From next week they will be roaming everywhere between Norden, Stoborough and Arne!

12 May 2022

Lambing done, in theory!

12th May news

18 May 2022

A solitary pricket, you can just see a fresh set of antlers starting to sprout.

Got him lined up with the castle!

19 May 2022

Bull day

And he’s off!

Lost his voice already, not that he needs it!

Hawkley Panther has joined the Wessex herd, he’s only 13 months old so it will be a year before he gets to work.

20 May 2022

Team Studland on the move!

25 May 2022

Sanfoin getting going at Downton.

25th May news

28 May 2022

Wildflowers at Scotland farm, oxeye daisies, early marsh orchid, ragged robin, hay rattle, linseed

28th May news
28th May news
28th May news
28th May news
28th May news


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