Wessex Grazing 07770 794615 | Wessex Wild 07841 291352

May 2023 Round-up!

Dear Reader,

A month of beautiful orchids in bloom, sika deer relaxing with the cows, summer for Turnworth cows in the woods and introducing 2 year old red Angus Hawkley Panther to the girls!

See our highlights from the month of May below to find out what we’ve been up to.

Warm wishes,

Wessex Grazing and Wessex Wild

2 May 2023

Getting to the end soon, these cows and calves will enjoy a summer in the woods at Turnworth

12 May 2023

A bit of a dustup as I introduce a young 14 month old bull to the Purbeck heaths mob. Work starts next week!

22 May 2023

Sika and cows relaxed in each other’s company!

25 May 2023

Hawkley Panther, our new 2 year old red Angus bull introduces himself to the girls at Turnworth. Looking forward to seeing his calves! 

30 May 2023

Early marsh orchid on Hartland moor.

marsh orchid Hartland moor


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