Wessex Grazing 07770 794615 | Wessex Wild 07841 291352

February 2022 Round-up!

Dear Reader,

It’s been a busy February here at Wessex Grazing, with lots of new arrivals! Watch our highlights from the month below to see what we’ve been up to.

Warm wishes,

Wessex Grazing and Wessex Wild

11 February 2022

It’s gonna get busy, calving has started!

12 February 2022


13 February 2022

We’re on a roll now! Three new calves delivered in the night made for a busy morning!

13 February 2022

Not ideal weather for it!

22 February 2022

Calf Fest 22!

23 February 2022

Calves play while mums have breakfast. Until they start grazing at around 30-60 days old, young calves get plenty of time to play.


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