Wessex Grazing 07770 794615 | Wessex Wild 07841 291352

April 2022 Round-up!

Dear Reader,

April has been full of wonderful wildlife here at Wessex Grazing, from the flickering tongue of a grass snake to sika heading into the reedbeds! See our highlights from the month below to find out what we’ve been up to.

Warm wishes,

Wessex Grazing and Wessex Wild

9 April 2022

Outdoor lambing getting going now and 2 weeks of fine weather in the forecast. The farming gods appear to be on side at the moment!

12 April 2022

Daisy, what a dog!! We are lambing and calving at the moment which means the dogs spend more time than I’d like in the back of the truck. I give them a long run whenever I get a moment between jobs. She will be off to sheep dog school in June around her first birthday. After that she will start to do a lot more sheep work, alongside her mum Nel, and slowly taking over from her granny Mags, who is now 9 (or maybe 10?)!

14 April 2022

The boys wildlife garden is firing on all cylinders! Take a look at this grass snake.

26 April 2022

Sika heading into the reedbeds

26 April 2022

Minotaur dung beetle soon zoomed in on my cattle handling pen this morning, cattle always lighten their load if they feel threatened, ready to go for a run.


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