Wessex Grazing 07770 794615 | Wessex Wild 07841 291352

October 2023 round-up!

Dear Reader,

October has been an exciting month full of varied jobs… Pregnancy testing, seed collecting, blood testing for our health scheme and ALOT of rhododendron removal!

See our highlights from the month of October below to find out what we’ve been up to.

Warm wishes,

Wessex Grazing and Wessex Wild

7 october 2023

Been collecting seeds for a tree planting project! From the top, hawthorn, field maple, spindle, damson, hornbeam, lime and guelder rose. A good start.

Wool shedding rams

7 october 2023

Preparing for pregnancy tests on Monday 🤞

19 october 2023

Blood testing heifers today for our cattle health scheme; Jack in charge of the race and making good use of this first day of the holidays.

Wool shedding rams

20 october 2023

 At Moreton Plantation we are currently supervising a massive capital works project to restore heathland and eradicate Rhododendron under our Countryside Stewardship Scheme. It’s a big and expensive job and a new experience for us. We are lucky to have Peter Hart Forestry as our sub contractor which makes the job relatively easy for me personally although Chrissy loses a little sleep over managing the cashflow!

Wool shedding rams


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